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What Can the Church Do About Sex Trafficking?

What Can the Church Do About Sex Trafficking?

Every day, vulnerable women and children in our community are being sexually exploited for somebody else’s profit. This dark side of “keeping Portland weird” is an evil the Church cannot ignore.

We believe that powerful work happens when the Church steps up and unites together to make a difference in our community. As Christians, we carry the power and the message of the Gospel, including our greatest weapon of all–prayer.

Abolitionists across the country will be speaking out on January 11th, the National Human Trafficking Awareness Day.  This year, we’d like to ask ourselves–what if? 

What if churches spoke out powerfully against this injustice, uniting together to protect the vulnerable in our community?

What if we could ALL make a difference in ending sex trafficking, right here in our communities? 

What if?

In the coming year, let’s challenge ourselves to pray big prayers. To ask God for seemingly impossible requests. Let’s ask Him for the END of exploitation and slavery, for our cultural perceptions of women and sexuality to radically shift, and for our communities to thrive and prosper. More than anything, let’s pray that we as the Church will have the privilege of seeing the light of Christ transform hearts as well as lives.

We’d especially like to encourage your church to consider joining together in prayer during the month of January. We’ve created a 10-Day prayer guide and lots of great resources–all you have to do is pick the ones that work best for your congregation. We’ve even included a handy leader’s guide to walk you step-by-step through each day of prayer, with extra tips & resources. 

Whether you pray together for all ten days, host a one-night event on January 11th, encourage small groups to participate together, or simply incorporate these resources into your regular worship gatherings, we are confident God will use these prayers to change lives right here in our community.