It all began with a Natalie Grant concert.
She was excited to hear her perform but she wasn’t expecting to find God’s calling for her life. But then a video about human trafficking in Thailand started. She watched as girls of all ages were shown standing in windows and being sold for sex. And then time stood still as her eyes focused on an image that still remains emblazoned in her mind today – that of a young girl, 6 or 7 years old, who was standing in a cage and peering out between the bars. Darlene’s life changed in an instant.
Celebrating Darlene’s Service to Trafficking Survivors and the Community
It all began with a Natalie Grant concert.
She was excited to hear her perform but she wasn’t expecting to find God’s calling for her life. But then a video about human trafficking in Thailand started. She watched as girls of all ages were shown standing in windows and being sold for sex. And then time stood still as her eyes focused on an image that still remains emblazoned in her mind today – that of a young girl, 6 or 7 years old, who was standing in a cage and peering out between the bars. Darlene’s life changed in an instant. Sickened, she thought, “Can this really be happening?” Over the coming months and years, God would use this image as the seed that would grow to create one of the most relentless fighters for justice in our local community.
In the years after the concert, Darlene sought out information and listened to updates related to human trafficking. She heard herself telling others that she was going to be involved in ending human trafficking and even though she didn’t know the details or specifics, she knew God had called her. And then one Sunday in church, Darlene heard an announcement about a prayer ministry related to human trafficking and, at that moment, she clearly heard God speak to her and say, “This is where you need to be.” Darlene joined the group and found herself meeting with local organizations and leaders in Portland. Her words were always the same: “We have to do something. We can’t allow children to be sold.” Within weeks, Darlene was organizing the first human trafficking vigil in Portland. Her service to survivors and the community hasn’t slowed down since.
When you talk with Darlene, there are two things you realize right off the bat. First, she is completely sold out to God. Christ shines through in everything she does. In every conversation, Darlene speaks life and truth through Biblical encouragement and by sharing spiritual lessons she’s learning. She talks about how much her relationship with God has grown since she began her justice journey, mentioning again and again how important prayer is and how she has prayed more in the last few years than ever before. And she quotes Scripture without missing a beat.
One of her favorite verses is Psalm 82:3-4: “Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed. Rescue the weak and needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.” Through this verse and many others, Darlene reminds us all that, as Christians, we have a Biblical responsibility to end human trafficking: “As Christians, we can’t know about it and not do anything.”
Second, you realize Darlene is committed to ending human trafficking in Portland. Not only has she volunteered more than 40 hours a week for the past year and a half, but Darlene has stood in the gap and worked tirelessly to support and love survivors wherever they are. The trunk of her car is full of clothing and toiletries, ready to hand out to anyone with a need. Her phone rings off the hook and, in spite of what she may be doing, she always answers the phone and takes time to chat, even if it’s the middle of the night. Darlene is the first person many people and organizations contact when they have a need or encounter a survivor. And her joy in service is evident to all and summed up by Linda Tribbett’s (Director of Adorned in Grace) comment “Darlene’s energy, enthusiasm and commitment to setting captives free is inspiring and contagious.”
When asked about why she continues to work tirelessly and give generously of her time, resources and self, Darlene had several reasons: “joy, unity and miracles.” For Darlene, it brings her joy to serve unconditionally and wholeheartedly where God has called her: she gets to interact with dedicated individuals and volunteers on a daily basis and she has hope that by loving survivors unconditionally and gracefully, they will one day live abundant lives in Christ. Darlene also sees God’s unifying work on a daily basis as He uses the horrific evil of human trafficking to bring together not only the body of Christ but people across organizations and roles. And she sees miracles – things that only God can do – happen on a regular basis: spots in aftercare facilities open up at the perfect moment; survivors start to have their hearts softened to Christ; emergency needs are met in hours. Each of these makes all the hours, the personal sacrifice, the sleepless nights, and the constant to do list worth it. But most of all, Darlene works tirelessly because she knows one day, she will stand before the Lord and be able to say, “I did what you called me to do.”
Darlene stays focused on being Christ’s hands and feet regardless of what the daily walk may require. She is available day and night and always follows through on what is asked of her. Because of this, Darlene is known in the Portland area as being a person who will always come through – if there’s a need, she will do all she can to meet it. And because of her dedication, Darlene was nominated by Officer Mike Gallagher to receive the Portland Police Bureau’s Commendation medal for her service as a member of Bridging the Gap.
Bridging the Gap began in 2014 when members of the East Precinct Sex Trafficking Unit began partnering with community members to assist sex trafficking victims. The team developed a website in order to streamline and expedite meeting the needs of survivors. On May 6th, members of the Bridging the Gap team were recognized for their passion in “assisting the victims of sex trafficking while providing victims with resources needed to get out of their abusive lifestyle.” Darlene, together with Pastor Marc Estes, Dianna Rogers and Craig Wishart, were awarded commendation medals by the Bureau for their “positive impact on improving the lives of many” and for building and maintaining “a functional website that serves as a conduit for people willing to provide assistance to sex trafficking victims.”
After the ceremony, Gary Tribbett, the President and Co-Founder of Compassion Connect commended “Darlene’s passion for rescuing and ministering to survivors of sex trafficking (which) pushes her to go above and beyond … She continually pours one hundred percent of her heart into serving Jesus by being His compassionate care to young women. We are happy to see her dedication recognized by the community and the Portland Police Department.”
So today, we celebrate Darlene. We celebrate because she fully commits herself to God’s calling and serves Him with joy and willingness. We celebrate Darlene for her grace-filled and unconditional love for others. We celebrate because she inspires so many of us to keep pursuing God as well as freedom, justice, and healing for those who need it most. God is using Darlene and we know He is already saying, “Well done, My good and faithful servant” (Matthew 25:21).