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For the City, For the Broken.

For the City, For the Broken.

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Some people think prayer can be a waste of time. Some don’t do it anymore because they believe God isn’t listening. Or that human trafficking has become such an overwhelming evil that prayer cannot even touch it – let alone affect anyone involved, on a personal level.

Those who unite to pray, will move the heart of God.

Some people think prayer can be a waste of time. Some don’t do it anymore because they believe God isn’t listening. Or that human trafficking has become such an overwhelming evil that prayer cannot even touch it – let alone affect anyone involved, on a personal level.

But about fifty mere human beings that do believe in the power of prayer gathered together at River West Church in Lake Oswego for a city-wide prayer meeting about sex trafficking. Why pray? Karen Masulis of Compassion Connect followed her heart and organized this meeting because she knows that prayer is a crucial step to freedom. A foundation on which all other factors of justice for the oppressed stand.

Fresh coffee, muffins and OJ were set out as she welcomed us. We lifted up the name of Jesus with an acoustic band, and no time went to waste. 

First on the prayer-docket: awareness.

Kate Wilkins from the Adorned in Grace Store gave ideas on how to pray for this city and the world to become increasingly aware of trafficking. Education is absolutely crucial and must be prioritized before we can expect an army of freedom fighters to rise up and advocate for those in the trenches and those at high risk. We must pray for fresh ideas, campaigns, open minds.Individuals and churches need to hear and respond, to allow this painful burden to move them.

Next, Karen led the charge for advocacy.

Victims and survivors need our prayers! And they need more advocates who are willing to fight for them. They need peace and healing, to experience real love and to learn life skills. Many will need legal help, dental and medical care, tutoring and counseling. 

What better time than now to focus on prevention?

Linda Tribbett from Adorned in Grace Design Studio, shared the story of Christina and her 11 year old cousin, the only two in their family, throughout many generations, who have not experienced sex trafficking, first-hand. KATU, in Portland, Oregon, recently aired her story – how she was born to a 13 year old victim of forced prostitution, but how the cycle ended with her. Working for Adorned in Grace’s Design Studio, she now helps other at-risk girls on the path to reaching their potential.

More of us must spend ourselves on prevention. This hidden diamond of efforts will leave you tired, and wondering, “How many lives am I truly impacting? Have my hours of time even mattered?” I know from experience, prevention may not give instant or even visible results in your lifetime. But that invested time really is making a difference. It is. So please, get involved in prevention. Pray for our education system, PTA groups, youth groups and their leaders, and for more people willing to mentor a young person from age 7 or 8. I dare to ask who of you would venture into the land of sometimes intangible results, investing in awareness projects or in a young life? Because the investment is really in their future. It is instilling self-worth and a faith in our God of justice. The Mentoring Project, The Reality Project, or Big Brothers Big Sisters are helping to prevent the destructive cycle of sexual abuse. In this busyness of life, I challenge you to recheck your schedule. See if you can offer yourself, your supportive words, your listening ear. Indeed, now is the time.

Outreach and Rescue: the dirty work.

Liz Alston of Shared Hope, shared the hope of her favorite scripture, James 1:27. “Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.” 

This “caring” means to literally take on the distress they are suffering, as one’s own. Those on the front lines of rescue and outreach are putting themselves at high risk to do just that. What an honorable calling. Remember those in under-cover garb, surrounded by surveillance and those in law enforcement, forced to investigate unspeakable acts. Those who must subject themselves to the evidence of sickening crimes. They must deal with that, as must their families as a result – and all in the name of pursuing justice. Pray for their protection, their sleep and dreams, their marriages and family life and, especially bright glimpses of hope and success from their tireless work.

Victims don’t need jail time. They need high-quality, state-supported centers and shelters

Chris Coffman, of River West and Door to Grace dared to look inside the gaping hole many would rather step around because of its vastness: our lack of shelters.

It is not too big for God. Fewer budget cuts and more foster families would be miraculous…those willing to offer a “forever home” for victims who deserve to experience belonging. To feel agape love. Psalm 68:5,6 says “Father to the fatherless, defender of widows – this is God, whose dwelling is holy. God places the lonely in families; he sets the prisoners free and gives them joy.”

Below is a boatload of some local centers, shelters (or those in the making) and organizations whose work could surely use our pleading for heaven to rain down its resources, wisdom and lasting influence:

Lastly, Kris Kennet from Door to Grace focused on the REACH program.

This plan, when set in motion, will create a whirlwind of hope and healing for survivors. Its focus points are Restoration, Education, Art and Activities, Community and a Home. Environment is everything for these precious ones. But volunteers are a crucial ingredient that help Door to Grace provide life skills, cooking and sewing skills, GED tutoring, encouragement to express themselves through art, and wisdom on how to establish and maintain healthy relationships, tips about boundaries and parenting their little ones.

It may seem like a lot. All these details to pray about. But are we not in a fight? This is ammo. Sometimes the answer comes – the miracle shows up – because of the simple fact that everyday children of God go to Him with confidence, faith and specifics. Trusting Him to listen, work out the details and answer when the timing is perfect. Even when prayer seems useless, it is never a waste of time. There is God. He cares. And He is listening even now. 




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