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Transitional Youth

About the Organization

Transitional Youth was founded in 1991 by Bert E. Waugh, Jr., President of Prudential Northwest Properties, in response to the desperate needs of homeless youth. This faith-based, non-profit organization was created to bring meaningful assistance to local, homeless youth. In 2004 they created their first transitional home for homeless youth in Portland. Since then, they have opened another home in Vancouver and a rural "Home on the Range" near Battle Ground, Washington. Under the loving guidance of a caring “parent” who also holds a strong faith in God, the homes serve much youth at a given time. All residents are required to either be involved in educational programs or employed. In the future, Transitional Youth hopes to add more transitional homes in the Portland/Vancouver area. 

In addition to providing a sense of “home” to many who have never experienced it before, Transitional Youth operates an outreach center in downtown Portland as a connection point to homeless youth.  There they serve warm meals and offer clothing. Transitional Youth runs a scholarship program which helps to support education for youth transitioning off the streets. They also help youth obtain full-time employment in order to move on to independent living situations.

How You Can Help

Make financial donations. Donate new and used men’s and women’s clothing in sizes M-XXL (especially jackets, sweatshirts, gloves, socks, and underwear).  Donate items that can be used for weather protection such as stocking caps, blankets, wool socks, sleeping bags or rain gear.  Donate work and school supplies and personal toiletry items. Also, gift cards for movies, music, department stores, coffee shops and bookstores are appreciated.

Contact Info


[email protected]



1500 NW 167th Place
Beaverton, OR 97006