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The Genesis Project

About the Organization

 A Three-Stage Path to a Better Life

How Our Program Works

Helping young women who have been abused and manipulated by people they trust is challenging work.

They come to us with broken spirits and empty dreams, and have not known real love for a long time.
Our first task is to gain their trust. Unlike the people who abused their trust, we restore and encourage their spirits and give them hope
to rebuild their lives.

To gain their trust, we apply Phase 1 of The Genesis Project Mission:

Phase 1: Rescue – Immediate Shelter
Teens and women arrive at our drop-in center for immediate safety and to have their basic needs met.
This includes food, hygiene, clothing, and a safe place to rest.
Currently we are open as much as our finances allow. However, our goal is to be open 24/7 so every young woman who wants help, receives help.

Once immediate needs have been met, most victims of sex trafficking start to realize the difference between where their life was headed, and how far in the opposition direction it can go now.
With love and care from staff and volunteers, dreams and goals about the future begin to rekindle within their minds and hearts.
This leads to the second phase.

Phase 2: Restoration – Education and Rehabilitation
We offer a daytime facility that provides ongoing counseling, job and life skills classes, transportation to medical appointments and court, and access to educational programs such as GED completion. Revived hopes and dreams begin turning into reality, and former victims realize they can live a better life.

But sometimes it is hard to change. Sometimes, even though it was full of trauma and despair, the old life can lure them back. Eventually, for those who need long-term help, the Genesis Project hopes to offer a third wing to our program.

Phase 3: Release – Safe Houses
These homes will provide long term housing for counseling and rehabilitation programs, away from the areas where most prostitution activity takes place. This will be for young women who will do anything to escape their old lives. In the meantime, for those who need it now, we are meeting this need by referring them to other organizations that partner with us.

Eventually, we hope to have our own safe houses from which we will release them into the community to live the liberated lives they were meant to live. Sex trafficking victims are not only hurt physically, but emotionally, spiritually, and socially. In time though, all of these injuries can be repaired, and that is our hope for every girl who comes through our doors.

The more girls we can help, the more former victims will discover hope for a new life.
With your help, this dream can become a reality for many more young women.

How You Can Help

Do you want to help fight sex trafficking and rescue victims?
Our needs range far and wide and everyone has the ability to help. You can:

  • Give money to fund our operations.
  • Give time as a volunteer in numerous capacities (What are your skills? They might be useful! Contact our Volunteer Coordinator to find out!)
  • Help us organize events to raise awareness and funds
  • Learn about the problem of sex trafficking in America and the whole world and educate others.

More details can be found on our website.

Contact Info


[email protected]



P.O. Box 6449
Kent, WA 98064