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Take a moment to explore the many amazing organizations working to bring hope and freedom right here in our own backyards.

Our mission is uniting together to end sexual exploitation in our communities. We believe that collaboration is the only way we can see holistic, long-term change in our cities and neighborhoods. Whether you're interested in the work of advocacy, awareness, or survivor services, we hope you will take a moment to explore the many amazing organizations working to bring hope and freedom right here in our own backyards.

Because we believe that together we can do so much more that we could apart, In the Organizations section you will find a variety of local nonprofits and groups that fight human trafficking. Each of these are divided into categories by their area of focus: advocacy, aftercare, awareness, prevention, outreach, and shelter. We encourage you to explore these wonderful groups based on what area of anti-trafficking work you’re most passionate about!


Are you interested in being an advocate for justice? Advocacy seeks to change policy by creating and changing laws, affecting public opinion and strengthening the systems that will deter trafficking. Advocates against human trafficking can advocate by meeting with a legislator, writing an editorial for a newspaper, signing a petition or any other activities that raise awareness and promote change.

View Advocacy Organizations


Aftercare service programs attempt to address both the immediate and long-term needs of each victim of trauma. These services may include residential facilities, medical and mental health care, education, job training and economic development programs. Aftercare, or restoration, programs work to help the victims of oppression to rebuild their lives and respond to the complex emotional and physical needs that are often the result of abuse.

View Aftercare Organizations


Education is power. Organizations that focus on awareness are seeking to educate the public about human trafficking locally or internationally. Awareness work can focus on speaking engagements, workshops, trainings, social and internet networking, posting flyers, hosting special events and other creative efforts to get the word out concerning the men, women and children today who are exploited.

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Strictly speaking, organizations that focus on rescue are those groups that actively work to free victims from slavery. Often they work alongside government officials to rescue victims from those who are enslaving them. In addition to those groups that have direct contact, we have listed organizations that offer hospitality or other social services to vulnerable populations as outreach agencies.

View Outreach Organizations


The goal of awareness and education is ACTION. Effective trafficking prevention requires a comprehensive approach including mentoring youth, protecting survivors, and prosecuting traffickers. The root causes of trafficking are multifaceted, which means organizations that deal with helping and empowering vulnerable individuals, who are at a much greater risk of being exploited by others, can be considered prevention agencies.

View Prevention Organizations


There is a shelter crisis for trafficked victims in the United States. Here are a few organizations who are working to meet this critical need.

View Shelter Organizations