Get Involved

- I want to partner with other churches and organizations.
- I have some administrative skills.
- I can sort, organize, or deliver donations.
- I love to write.
- I can mentor a teen or survivor.
- I know how to sew, cook, or teach design and creative skills.
- I can donate my professional time or make gifts in kind.
- I have event planning experience.

Peruse our database of organizations working in anti-trafficking areas. They are grouped under basic functions.
Also, check out the opportunities section, where we post updated needs and volunteer opportunities from local organizations.

Although it can seem overwhelming, we believe when we serve together, we CAN make a difference. Visit the opportunities section to view the most up-to-date needs from local organizations.
Some additional suggestions:
- Start a prayer group lifting up local organizations, churches, and all those enslaved. You can start with our ten-day prayer guide here.
- Invite a speaker to your church. You can sign up here, and we’ll contact you with more information.
- Hold a resource drive for survivors
- Consider starting a Design Studio to help empower youth who face obstacles in life that put them in harm’s way for trafficking

Are you an active organization in the NW involved in the fight against human trafficking? We would love to display your organization’s information, current needs and resources.

We have created a database of organizations categorized by their primary function. Each organization has a description and contact information to help you connect with a potential resource or partner.