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Responding and Caring for the Sexually Exploided


Responding and Caring for the Sexually Exploited.

There is a huge need in our community and a wonderful opportunity for the Church to fill this gap.  This two-day FREE conference is for those who want to learn how to mentor those affected by sex-trafficking.

Friday – Dinner and dessert served

  • Community Need – Darlene Domenigoni, Abolition Now
  • Uniting the Church to Serve – Gary and Linda Tribbett, Co-founders, Compassion Connect, Aboltion Now, Adorned in Grace

Saturday – Coffee, breakfast snacks, lunch served

  • Survivor Documentary and Interview with Aimee Langella, Survivor
  • Session One: Mental Health: Effects of Trauma – Shannon Whie, MA, Living Wholehearted Counseling
  • Session Two: Practical Steps of Mentoring based on “Princess Found” by Mending the Soul – Nicole Larosn, MSW, Mending the Soul Facilitator
  • Session Three: Mentor Health: Renewing your Mind, Body, and Soul as the Caregiver – Jeff and Terra Mattson, Founders and Owners, Living Wholehearted Counseling

Men are welcome to attend to learn more about how to be part of the solution to sex-trafficking.  If traveling from out of town and would like to stay in a host home near the church, email us.  Volunteers are needed to assist with the conference and resource tables, email [email protected] for more information.