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Rahab’s Sisters Volunteer Training


Are you a current volunteer or interested in finding out more about volunteering with Rahab’s Sisters?  Join us for our next Volunteer Training on Saturday, February 7th at Sts Peter and Paul Church from Noon to 2pm.

Rahab’s Sisters is an all volunteer non profit that offers “Radical Hospitality” and a supportive presence to women marginalized by the sex industry, domestic violence, poverty, substance abuse, and homelessness.  Our sisters are welcomed without judgement, just as they are, no strings attached, no questions asked.  Our mission is to respond to our sisters in a servant spirit and to improve their lives even if it is for just a few hours on Friday evenings.  Rahab’s Sisters is theologically informed but not faith based.

This training will not only cover subjects pertinent to Rahab’s Sisters volunteers but there will be time for questions and answers regarding volunteering along with volunteer appreciation!

Please RSVP to [email protected]