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Hands of Hope Mentoring Workshop

Abolition Now invites you to Hands of Hope Mentoring Workshop.

This 2-day workshop provides mentorship training designed to adequately prepare people in ministering to victims of human trafficking and others who need a hand of hope to guide them.

Today’s younger generation is struggling to find their way.  Few have genuine relationships or good role models in their life.  Many have suffured abuse or trauma, are victims or at high risk of becoming a victim of sexual exploitation.  Some are single parents who simply need guidance in raising healthy kids-the next generation.

” ‘The harvest is so great, and the workers are so few,’ He told His disciples.”

Matthew 9:37

Will you respond to the harvest?

Hands of Hope Mentoring Network:  This workshop will provide Biblically based training to those who want to come along side young adult women to be part of a Mentoring Network that will be connected to agencies throughout Portland.  In addition to this training, a mentor is also required to complete an application, background check, and the Mending the Soul Small Group before being paired with a Mentee.  This provides a safe and healthy environment for both the Mentor and Mentee and establishes a trust relationship with other organizations.

Cost of Hand of Hope Workshop: Donation of a gift card for a survivor.

Workshop Schedule:

Friday evening 5:30-8:00pm (Hors d’oeuvres will be served)

  • Ht in Portland Documentary
  • Why and How of a Mentoring Network
  • Uniting the Body of Christ to Serve

Saturday 8:00am-3:30pm (Coffee and Brunch will be served)

  • Mental Health Training
  • Mentoring a Survivor-Rebecca Bender, Survivor/Speaker/Author
  • Hands of Hope Mentoring
  • Woman at the Well
  • Aftercare Organizations
  • Support Network

Registration is required so we can adequately prepare materials and food.

For more information email Darlene at [email protected]