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Embrace Oregon: Building and Celebrating a Movement


Embrace Oregon cordially invites you and your friends/family to join us for an important gathering at City Bible Church on May 1st from 7:00-8:00pm, to hear about the needs of vulnerable children in our community and the many on-ramps developed for individuals and faith communities to grow our partnership with DHS Child Welfare.

Erin Kelley-Siel, Director of DHS, will speak about how DHS welcomes your participation in caring for and serving the children and families the state serves.

Following the event, there will be a time in the lobby where you can learn more about specific opportunities and have a chance to interact with the leadership from DHS.

Please mark May 1st on your calendar for this exciting night to hear more about how DHS and the faith community can continue working hand-in-hand for the betterment of vulnerable children in our community.