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2014 Walk to End Slavery


Youth Ending Slavery is an organization working to raise awareness about human trafficking in Portland and the world.  Human trafficking is a prevalent issue for us as Portlanders because Portland is the second worst city in the US for sex trafficking and the absolute worst for youth sex trafficking.  Our organzation speaks at schools and events to raise awareness, we send out a monthly newsletter, and we hold fundraising events and donate the money to the organzations that work directly with trafficking victims.  We are completely run by high school students.  YES started at St. Mary’s Academy but now we have several other chapters in Portland area high schools 

Come to Director Park in Downtown Portland to join us for our largest annual event.  We will have delicious baked goods and great t-shirts for sale and all proceeds will go to anit-trafficking organizations. We will have inspirational speakers and informative signs and posters to carry with us as we walk.  See you there!