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“Banding Together” For Local Victims of Sex Trafficking


On Saturday, January 26, 2014 a benefit to raise awareness and financial support for victims of sex trafficking in Portland, Oregon will be held at The Buffalo Gap Saloon & Eatery.  (This is an all ages event until 9pm.  However, all content may not be appropriate for some.)

This is an OPEN HOUSE style event designed to give you a little bit of information & entertainment at any given time. 

Several speakers from the community will be giving brief overviews throughout the night on the crisis that exists in our city, what is being done to make a difference and how you can get more involved.

LIVE MUSIC all evening long from local musicians Samsel and the Skirt, Zenda Torrey-Band & Brotherhood Townes.

Donations for this event in the form of cash, check or credit cards via an onsite/online donation are accepted with a huge heartfelt Thank You!  Note: Please do not fell pressured to give if you are unable.  Spreading awareness is just as important in making a difference.

Raffle: Several items including gift certificates, Oregon wine, movie passes, gift cards and more will be displayed as another way to donate.  Each person through the door will receive one raffle ticket for their much appreciated attendance.  Additional raffle tickets can be purchased at the price of 2-for-$5 or 5-for-$10.

100% of all funds raised, as well as a percentage of all food and beverage purchases (donated by The Buffalo Gap) will go to local organizations Hope82 and House of Engedi.  Help us support their mission in meeting the immediate needs of those trapped in the sex industry right here in our city.