What would happen if all the prayers you prayed this week came true?
How would the world change?
Would you simply feel better, have a better relationship with your parents, get that parking spot or promotion you wanted? Or would the entire world notice the difference?
Our prayers are a good indicator of the focus of our hearts. Every prayer offered up to our God, with a heart tuned towards His will, is pleasing–whether big or small. Yet sometimes it seems as if we get so caught up in all the little details of life, we forget to ask for bigger things.
Our prayers can also be an indicator of what we really think about God. Do we believe He is capable of answering these big prayers? Or perhaps that He is even longing for us to ask for them?
In 2016, let’s challenge ourselves to pray big prayers. To ask God for seemingly impossible requests. Let’s ask Him for the END of exploitation and slavery, for our cultural perceptions of women and sexuality to radically shift, and for our communities to thrive and prosper. More than anything, let’s pray that we as the Church will have the privilege of seeing the light of Christ transform hearts as well as lives.
This year, may we pray in ways that could enormously change that world. And then, may we pray for wisdom in the “small” areas of our own lives. How can this begin with me?
Want to join with us as begin 2016 with big prayers? Download our 10-day prayer guide here, and follow along with us January 1-10. Then, on January 11, join us for our Candlelight Prayer Vigil on National Human Trafficking Awareness Day.