Are we fools to believe that words we speak and even think toward an unseen God can do much of anything? The atheist would chalk it up to coincidence – our answered prayer. The faithless would say yes, we are fools to waste our time.
But we are far from fools.
Prayer is Powerful and Changes Everything.
Are we fools to believe that words we speak and even think toward an unseen God can do much of anything? The atheist would chalk it up to coincidence – our answered prayer. The faithless would say yes, we are fools to waste our time.
But we are far from fools. There is an impact I feel in His presence, sweet moments when I really do hear him respond, even if in the most dissonant of ways. He speaks to longings with images, blends of peace and mystery. Other times in nature or the lyrics of a song. A friend’s just-right words, and often in a Scripture of old. Nothing can debate the oneness we feel in His response to a prayer risked. Our softened heart, the surety of His ear turned toward us, peace in the presence of a listening God…answers. Do you ever wonder, though, if it’s foolish to dream this way?
I have and I’ve resolved that we are fools to believe the contrary: that I am just one voice. Or just one anything. One that must be tiring to hear by now, or a sound that must be a bit annoying. Prayers that, let’s face it, seem entirely too big some days. Many days.
Father, end the pain of human trafficking.
O God, that not even one more child would suffer.
With “blind faith,” it seems like trudging lonely waters, upstream. And on better days, we’re praying with joy the boldest, loudest, most faith-filled proclamations of God’s promises back to Him. Either way, either day, we’re never fools for it. We are His treasured children. We are mountain-moving, atmosphere-changing, freedom-releasing mouthpieces in His Kingdom, now ours. The more we believe that, the more our actions will reflect it. And more of His glory will shine!
Break Free is one opportunity Abolition Now invites you to be a part of. Come away with other freedom fighters and by faith, open doors that were rusted shut in unseen realms. Anyone can come to The Den, a private, cozy room of wood and stone at the Well & Good Coffee House in Tigard. Break Free is held the 4th Saturday of each month and everyone is welcome to come any time from 7 – 10 pm.
Expect candles flickering with light, soft worship from a live guitarist and the latest updates from organizations that fight sex trafficking. Expect smooth, delicious coffee, lists of current prayer needs, and other requests from local survivors. Expect blank greeting cards that can be used to write a handwritten note to encourage a survivor. We’ve witnessed so many answers to prayer in their lives already. And you can expect one more thing: the presence of a listening God.